Advocacy Unusual

We help you get your ideas across to policy makers more creatively
Your ideas matter to healthy democracies

Getting your policy proposals across effectively is hard in a crowded policy and media space. This is however crucial to fostering the common good.

At Dreamocracy, we believe that lobbying is central to democratic policy making and that we can help constructive interest groups reinvent not only their advocacy strategies, but democracy itself, by mastering and applying the core principles of creativity and collective intelligence.

Your business, NGO, think tank, trade federation, foundation, or public authority wishes to influence public policies more effectively and constructively?

We help all interest groups that work for the common good by helping them reinvent their lobbying strategies and tactics thanks to creativity techniques.


Why creativity workshops for lobbyists

    • Because your world is changing faster than your lobbying strategies.
    • Because the other side is distracting society from making the right decisions.
    • Because we are all tired of seeing the usual suspects using the same tired arguments.


One to 4-day workshops that help your team reinvent its lobbying strategies and organisational approach using advanced creativity and ideation techniques, combined with rigorous methods of developing campaigning strategies.

What’s in it for you

Thanks to the Creative Problem Solving (CPS) approach, you will:

  • Refresh your advocacy strategies.
  • Gain new creativity and management skills.
  • Re-energize your team of advocates.

Your creative journey

We start by working with you to define your concrete and urgent creative challenge(s).

Is it one of repositioning? And/or of finding new allies? Of looking at your issues and stakeholders differently? Of developing strategies and new tactics? And/or of messaging? Or all of the above? In relation to what topic?

Once this is clear, we decide on the right workshop format and length of time that will allow you to rekindle your imagination and ability to provide innovative answers to your creative challenge(s).

In the workshop, we then train you in divergent and convergent ideation techniques, provide you with relevant inspiration, and introduce ideation and collaboration techniques that enable your team to think outside the proverbial box.

Last but not least, we insist on quality time for convergence, allowing you to decide how to implement your new strategies.

  • In person or online.
  • In English or in French.
Where would you place your current advocacy efforts?

Your creative journey


What is Advocacy Unusual vs. advocacy as usual

Proactive vs Defensive

From… A defensive or aggressive set of arguments, usually asking for “more” or “less” in reaction to the agenda set by others

To… A forceful, value-based, proactive set of propositions that set the terms of the debate.

Refreshed vs. Standard strategies

From… Churning out the good old policy paper, coalition press statement, set of legislative amendments, and odd conference

To… Grabbing your targets’ attention, who have short attention spans and few opportunities to be surprised

New alliances vs. Usual Suspects

From… You and your networks talking to the same old community of policy makers and allies

To… Exploring alliances with unusual players: different policy fields, coopetition, etc.

Whatever format works for you, we take you from Blablaland to the Right Club

Breaking Good

  • 2 hours
  • Preliminary creativity diagnostics

Fast & Curious

  • 1 day
  • 1 moderator
  • 100% ideation: focused divergence and convergence phases leading to innovative solutions to a specific advocacy challenge

Eyes Wide Open

  • 2 days
  • 1 moderator
  • 100% ideation: tons of solutions and an action plan
  • Upstream research
  • Inspirational case studies
  • Innovation map
  • Murals

Most Popular

Back to Your Future

  • 4 days
  • 2 moderators
  • 100% ideation
  • Sector-specific expert
  • Prep and follow up
  • Inspirational case studies
  • Innovation map
  • Map of unusual stakeholders
  • Murals

They have enjoyed Advocacy Unusual workshops

Your team


Stephen Boucher
CEO Dreamocracy

Stephen brings his lobbying experience and expertise in creativity to run the workshops and strategically think your campaigns through.

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Pauline Tawil
Senior Advisor and Project Manager

Pauline builds on her lobbying experience and expertise to research your challenges, think strategically, and add new insights.

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Victor Lauret

Victor brings a youth-oriented perspective and his research abilities to challenge your thinking.

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